Schema of
- Variable
- AnnotationAccessArgumentDO
- AnnotationDo
- ClassOrInterface
- Package
- NpInterfaceDO
- NpClassDO
- NpFileDO
- NpProjectDO
- YieldStatementDO
- WhileStatementDO
- TypeParameterDO
- TypeLiteralDO
- TypeCastExpressionDO
- TryStatementWithFinallyDO
- TokenDO
- AnnotationArrayInitializerDO
- AnnotationAccessArgumentWithoutNameDO
- ClassInitializerDO
- ReferenceRelationDO
- BooleanLiteralDO
- CatchSectionDO
- ReferenceParameterList
- AnnotationCanResolvedDO
- SuperConstructorInvocationDO
- AnnotationDeclarationParameterDO
- MethodDO
- AnnotationDeclarationParameterDefaultValueDO
- CupackageDO
- Type
- NpMethodDO
- MethodAccessExpressionWithTypeDO
- DeclarationStatementDO
- ThisExpressionWithQualifierDO
- CharacterLiteralDO
- PolyadicExpressionDO
- IntegerLiteralDO
- IfStatementDO
- ReturnStatementDO
- ExpressionListDO
- StringLiteralDO
- Callable
- TryStatementDO
- AssignmentExpressionDO
- ExpressionListExpressionRelationDO
- EmptyStatementDO
- ContainerParentDO
- ConditionalExpressionDO
- DoubleLiteralDO
- AnnotationAccessArgumentWithNameDO
- CommentDO
- ImportDO
- ContinueStatementDO
- ElementParent
- ExpressionDO
- Expression
- ArrayInitializerExpression
- TypeLiteral
- ArrayCreationExpression
- Literal
- SuperExpression
- PolyadicExpression
- ConstructorInvocation
- MethodReferenceExpression
- TypeCastExpression
- MethodAccessExpressionWithType
- InstanceofExpression
- NewExpression
- LambdaExpression
- BinaryExpression
- AssignmentExpression
- ExpressionListElement
- UnaryExpression
- MethodAccessExpression
- CallExpression
- SuperAccessExpression
- LogicExpression
- ThisAccessExpression
- MethodAccessExpressionWithoutType
- ArrayInitializer
- ConditionalExpression
- ArrayAccessExpression
- SuperConstructorInvocation
- ReferenceExpression
- Expression
- AnnotationCanNotResolvedDO
- AnnotationDeclarationDO
- ArrayDO
- LongLiteralDO
- ArrayAccessExpressionDO
- ParentDO
- ArrayCreationExpressionDO
- ArrayInitializerExpressionDO
- ForeachStatementDO
- AssertStatementDO
- ReferenceTypeDO
- SwitchLabelStatementDO
- BinaryExpressionDO
- BlockStatementDO
- BreakStatementDO
- TryStatementWithoutFinallyDO
- CallableBindingDO
- ConstructorDO
- CallableEnclosingStatementDO
- ClassDO
- ClassHierarchyDO
- ClassImplementListDO
- MethodAccessExpressionWithoutTypeDO
- CodeBlockDO
- ConstructorInvocationDO
- DeclarationElementDO
- ElementDO
- MetainfoDO
- EmptyReferenceParameterListDO
- TypeElementDO
- DoWhileStatementDO
- NumberOfLinesDO
- EnumConstantDO
- FileMd5SumDO
- UnaryExpressionDO
- ExpressionStatementDO
- FieldDO
- NewExpressionDO
- FileDO
- CallableEnclosingExpressionDO
- ModifierDO
- FileSha256SumDO
- FloatingPointLiteralDO
- ForStatementDO
- IdentifierDO
- StatementEnclosingExpressionDO
- IfStatementWithElseDO
- IfStatementWithoutElseDO
- ImportStaticStatementDO
- LabeledStatementDO
- InstanceofExpressionDO
- InterfaceDO
- JavadocCommentDO
- ReferenceListDO
- JavadocTagDO
- JavadocTagValueDO
- ThrowStatementDO
- LambdaExpressionDO
- AnonymousClassDO
- JavadocDataTokenDO
- SuperAccessExpressionDO
- AnnotatedRelationDO
- LocalClassDO
- LocalVariableDO
- LocationDO
- MethodReferenceExpressionDO
- ModifierListDO
- ImportStaticReferenceElementDO
- FolderDO
- ExceptionDO
- ModuleDO
- NameStringDO
- NullLiteralDO
- PackageStatementDO
- SwitchStatementDO
- ParameterDO
- PrimitiveDO
- ReferenceExpressionDO
- ProgramDO
- ReferenceElementDO
- ReferenceParameterListDO
- ResourceListDO
- StatementDO
- Statement
- AssertStatement
- ConditionalStatement
- BlockStatement
- LabeledStatement
- SynchronizedStatement
- DoWhileStatement
- SwitchStatement
- WhileStatement
- YieldStatement
- EmptyStatement
- ExpressionStatement
- JumpStatement
- SwitchLabelStatement
- ForStatement
- ReturnStatement
- DeclarationStatement
- ThrowStatement
- ContinueStatement
- BreakStatement
- LoopStatement
- ForeachStatement
- TryStatement
- IfStatement
- Statement
- SuperExpressionDO
- SuperExpressionWithQualifierDO
- SynchronizedStatementDO
- ThisAccessExpressionDO
Table of contents
- AbstractClass
- AndLogicalExpression
- AnnotatedRelation
- AnnotatedRelationDO
- Annotation
- AnnotationAccessArgument
- AnnotationAccessArgumentDO
- AnnotationAccessArgumentWithNameDO
- AnnotationAccessArgumentWithoutNameDO
- AnnotationArrayInitializer
- AnnotationArrayInitializerDO
- AnnotationCanNotResolvedDO
- AnnotationCanResolvedDO
- AnnotationDeclaration
- AnnotationDeclarationDO
- AnnotationDeclarationParameter
- AnnotationDeclarationParameterDO
- AnnotationDeclarationParameterDefaultValue
- AnnotationDeclarationParameterDefaultValueDO
- AnnotationDo
- AnonymousClass
- AnonymousClassDO
- AnonymousMethod
- Array
- ArrayAccessExpression
- ArrayAccessExpressionDO
- ArrayCreationExpression
- ArrayCreationExpressionDO
- ArrayDO
- ArrayInitializer
- ArrayInitializerExpression
- ArrayInitializerExpressionDO
- AssertStatement
- AssertStatementDO
- AssignmentExpression
- AssignmentExpressionDO
- BinaryExpression
- BinaryExpressionDO
- BlockStatement
- BlockStatementDO
- BooleanLiteral
- BooleanLiteralDO
- BreakStatement
- BreakStatementDO
- CallExpression
- Callable
- CallableBinding
- CallableBindingDO
- CallableEnclosingExpression
- CallableEnclosingExpressionDO
- CallableEnclosingStatement
- CallableEnclosingStatementDO
- CatchClause
- CatchSectionDO
- CharacterLiteral
- CharacterLiteralDO
- Class
- ClassDO
- ClassHierarchy
- ClassHierarchyDO
- ClassImplementList
- ClassImplementListDO
- ClassInitializer
- ClassInitializerDO
- ClassOrInterface
- CodeBlock
- CodeBlockDO
- Comment
- CommentDO
- ConditionalExpression
- ConditionalExpressionDO
- ConditionalPolyadicExpression
- ConditionalStatement
- ConstSwitchLabelStatement
- Constructor
- ConstructorDO
- ConstructorInvocation
- ConstructorInvocationDO
- ContainerParent
- ContainerParentDO
- ContinueStatement
- ContinueStatementDO
- Cupackage
- CupackageDO
- DeclarationElementDO
- DeclarationStatement
- DeclarationStatementDO
- DeclaredElement
- DefaultSwitchLabelStatement
- DoWhileStatement
- DoWhileStatementDO
- DoubleLiteral
- DoubleLiteralDO
- ElementDO
- ElementParent
- EmptyReferenceParameterListDO
- EmptyStatement
- EmptyStatementDO
- EnumClass
- EnumConstant
- EnumConstantDO
- Exception
- ExceptionDO
- Expression
- ExpressionDO
- ExpressionList
- ExpressionListDO
- ExpressionListElement
- ExpressionListExpressionRelation
- ExpressionListExpressionRelationDO
- ExpressionParent
- ExpressionStatement
- ExpressionStatementDO
- Field
- FieldDO
- File
- FileDO
- FileMd5SumDO
- FileSha256SumDO
- FloatingPointLiteral
- FloatingPointLiteralDO
- Folder
- FolderDO
- ForStatement
- ForStatementDO
- ForeachStatement
- ForeachStatementDO
- Identifier
- IdentifierDO
- IfStatement
- IfStatementDO
- IfStatementWithElseDO
- IfStatementWithoutElseDO
- Import
- ImportDO
- ImportStaticReferenceElement
- ImportStaticReferenceElementDO
- ImportStaticStatement
- ImportStaticStatementDO
- InnerClass
- InstanceofExpression
- InstanceofExpressionDO
- IntegerLiteral
- IntegerLiteralDO
- Interface
- InterfaceDO
- JavadocComment
- JavadocCommentDO
- JavadocDataToken
- JavadocDataTokenDO
- JavadocTag
- JavadocTagDO
- JavadocTagValue
- JavadocTagValueDO
- JumpStatement
- LabeledStatement
- LabeledStatementDO
- LambdaExpression
- LambdaExpressionDO
- Literal
- LocalClass
- LocalClassDO
- LocalVariable
- LocalVariableDO
- Location
- LocationDO
- LogNotExpression
- LogicExpression
- LombokField
- LongLiteral
- LongLiteralDO
- LoopStatement
- MetainfoDO
- Method
- MethodAccessExpression
- MethodAccessExpressionWithType
- MethodAccessExpressionWithTypeDO
- MethodAccessExpressionWithoutType
- MethodAccessExpressionWithoutTypeDO
- MethodDO
- MethodReferenceExpression
- MethodReferenceExpressionDO
- MetricCallable
- Modifier
- ModifierDO
- ModifierList
- ModifierListDO
- ModuleDO
- NameString
- NameStringDO
- NestedClass
- NewExpression
- NewExpressionDO
- NpClass
- NpClassDO
- NpFile
- NpFileDO
- NpInterface
- NpInterfaceDO
- NpMethod
- NpMethodDO
- NpProject
- NpProjectDO
- NullLiteral
- NullLiteralDO
- NumberOfLines
- NumberOfLinesDO
- OrLogicalExpression
- Package
- PackageStatement
- PackageStatementDO
- Parameter
- ParameterDO
- ParentDO
- PolyadicExpression
- PolyadicExpressionDO
- Primitive
- PrimitiveDO
- Program
- ProgramDO
- ReferenceElement
- ReferenceElementDO
- ReferenceExpression
- ReferenceExpressionDO
- ReferenceList
- ReferenceListDO
- ReferenceParameterList
- ReferenceParameterListDO
- ReferenceRelation
- ReferenceRelationDO
- ReferenceType
- ReferenceTypeDO
- ResourceList
- ResourceListDO
- ReturnStatement
- ReturnStatementDO
- Statement
- StatementDO
- StatementEnclosingExpression
- StatementEnclosingExpressionDO
- StatementParent
- StaticNestedClass
- StringLiteral
- StringLiteralDO
- SuperAccessExpression
- SuperAccessExpressionDO
- SuperConstructorInvocation
- SuperConstructorInvocationDO
- SuperExpression
- SuperExpressionDO
- SuperExpressionWithQualifier
- SuperExpressionWithQualifierDO
- SwitchLabelStatement
- SwitchLabelStatementDO
- SwitchStatement
- SwitchStatementDO
- SynchronizedStatement
- SynchronizedStatementDO
- ThisAccessExpression
- ThisAccessExpressionDO
- ThisExpressionWithQualifierDO
- ThrowStatement
- ThrowStatementDO
- Token
- TokenDO
- TryStatement
- TryStatementDO
- TryStatementWithFinallyDO
- TryStatementWithoutFinallyDO
- Type
- TypeCastExpression
- TypeCastExpressionDO
- TypeElement
- TypeElementDO
- TypeLiteral
- TypeLiteralDO
- TypeParameter
- TypeParameterDO
- UnaryExpression
- UnaryExpressionDO
- Variable
- WhileStatement
- WhileStatementDO
- YieldStatement
- YieldStatementDO